FREE 5 Day "Fill your Cup" Yoga Challenge

Calling all Busy Women:
Start feeling better in your mind and body RIGHT AWAY so you can loosen the grip of stress and glide through the turns life throws at you ..... (even if you are new to yoga.)

Here is your Quick Start:
*Daily challenge emails
*Short, effective Yoga videos
*LIVE calls to dive deeper
*Companion Guide

Register Today

November 13-17

Daily emails, on-demand yoga, & LIVE coaching calls each day!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Jill Reyna

    Yoga Teacher 500hr

    Owner, Unbound Yoga LLC

    Sound familiar?

    • Do you struggle to know what practices can help you relieve stress from your mind and body?

    • Not sure if yoga is going to produce the results you desire?

    • Intimidated by the studios where everyone already knows what they are doing?

    • Looking for the motivation you need to get started and the accountability you need to keep you going?

    What will you learn?

    • Day 1: How to use simple intention-setting, to feel better quickly.

    • Day 2: How to harness the natural power of your body to bring yourself into a more calm state, so you don’t have to rely on anyone or anything when overwhelm knocks at your door

    • Day 3: Ways to move on your mat to increase flexibility, strength, and balance for an average of 25 minutes per day, so you still have time to enjoy your family.

    • Day 4: How feeling fit and relaxed can resonate everywhere - when you carry yourself with poise and confidence, comfortable in your own skin again.

    • Day 5: The ONE THING you have been missing that will keep you returning confidently to your mat over and over again.